Building Details

Sydney C. DeVos Dive Center

Opened: 2008

The Sydney C. DeVos Dive Center is the second most used building on The Island School campus, providing services to all Island School and CEI waterfront activities. We maintain a fleet of 11 boats for SCUBA and research, kayaks and sailboats for expeditionary programming, and outdoor community space for presentations and lectures. The largest building load is the Bauer 7.5hp (5.6 kw) SCUBA air compressor, which refills over 400 SCUBA tanks per week during busy periods such as Island School dive week.

A 7.6 kilowatt solar array composed of 40 190-watt monocrystalline photovoltaic modules and an SMA Sunny Boy inverter is located on the south facing roof.

Load and Production kilowatts over the past 24 hours
Load and Production kilowatthours over the past 7 days